Jim Henson with his most famous creation, Kermit the Frog, on the set of The Muppet Movie in 1976.
I’m part of the generation that basically grew up on the work of Jim Henson.
The Muppets were a near constant presence in my house when I was young. We watched Sesame Street daily during the week and on weekends three generations of my family frequently gathered around the TV to watch The Muppet Show (and later Fraggle Rock). It was watching actual Muppet performers do a demonstration during a visit to The Art of the Muppets – which conveniently stopped in Toronto during production on Fraggle Rock – when I was five years old that partially inspired me to become a puppeteer. Although I never met the man, like so many other people, his work has really touched my life in a number of profound and meaningful ways.
Jim passed away twenty-three years ago today. Remembering and celebrating his life and work every May 16th has become something of a tradition. The Muppets Henson Blog has put together a really wonderful collection of thoughts and memories from a cross-section of Jim Henson colleagues, friends and fans.
It’s a lovely tribute to a man who left behind a remarkable legacy.