NewsPuppet Festivals

PuppetVision Documentary Preview at the Gepetto Festival

By February 25, 2015 August 7th, 2017 No Comments

Big news on the PuppetVision documentary front, we’re going to be giving an audience their first glimpse at our “big film about making little things move” this spring at the Geppetto Festival in (near) Buffalo, New York on April 15th.

The Geppetto Festival is a one day exhibition of puppetry now in its second year at Western New York’s Daemen College, founded by puppeteer and Daemen alumnus Cameron Garrity. I’m very excited that we’re going to be able to show some of the film for the first time there. What we’ll be screening is a preview of several segments from the film, which will still be in production (in fact, we’re coming directly from a shoot in Toronto to Gepetto Fest and then going right back home to another). I also expect to share some behind-the-scenes “making of” photos and videos and talk a bit about the production process so far as part of the presentation.

Cam recently interviewed me via email about puppetry and the PuppetVision documentary. The Geppetto web site is running interviews with participating artists every Wednesday in the lead-up to the festival; you can read them all at

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