Puppetry Theory

Puppeteering Tips From a Sesame Street Puppeteer

By January 30, 2024 February 1st, 2024 No Comments

Somewhere there is possibly a more delightful combination of puppet enthused makers than Tested’s Adam Savage and Sesame Street’s Stacey Gordon, but it’s difficult to imagine.

Adam is probably best known as the co-host of the TV series Mythbusters and, more recently, for his popular Tested YouTube channel, which explores technology, maker culture, and the space where the two intersect. Stacey is the founder of Arizona puppetry studio Puppet Pie, as well as the performer of Julia on Sesame Street.

Stacey and Adam met at DragonCon, which is famed for its outstanding puppetry track, and struck up a lengthy conversation about puppetry, which led to Stacey being invited to Adam famous “cave” (workshop) for a in depth puppetry lesson. In the video Stacey takes Adam through the basics of on-camera hand and rod puppetry technique and together they play with a plethora of puppets made by Stacey, Gordon Smuder, James Wojtal and Blank Puppets.

If you enjoy the video and would like to learn on camera puppetry techniques from Stacey yourself, Puppet Pie offers regular online classes as well as private coaching (visit PuppetPie.com and click on “Workshops” for details).

And for more puppetry content from tested, check out their Puppets! playlist, and subscribe to the Tested YouTube Channel for future videos.